Scoping Comments Tracker

Displaying 2151 - 2200 of 133664 comments.

Name Organization Date Received
Anthony Raiber 04/18/2016
anthony ricketts 04/18/2016
anthony wright 04/18/2016
Antje Nebel 04/18/2016
antoine mainville 04/18/2016
Antoinette Daab 04/18/2016
Antoinette Sevensma 04/18/2016
Antonia & Andrew Chianis 04/18/2016
Antonio García-Palao Redondo 04/18/2016
Antonio Scognamiglio 04/18/2016
Anusch Ricaud 04/18/2016
anya fisher 04/18/2016
apollonia perniceni 04/18/2016
April Foster 04/18/2016
April Hardee 04/18/2016
April Long 04/18/2016
April Parkins 04/18/2016
April Scheller 04/18/2016
April Terry 04/18/2016
April Thomps 04/18/2016
Araceli SANCHEZ 04/18/2016
Arcy Goodrich 04/18/2016
Ardell PRICE 04/18/2016
Ardeth L. Weed 04/18/2016
Ardis Moonlight 04/18/2016
Ari Stefánsson 04/18/2016
Ariane Flores 04/18/2016
Arianna Siegel 04/18/2016
Arick W. Naeder 04/18/2016
Ariel Calmes 04/18/2016
Arifa Goodman 04/18/2016
Arkady Vyatchanin 04/18/2016
arlana gottlieb 04/18/2016
ARLEN TUCKER 04/18/2016
Arlene Dreste 04/18/2016
Arlene Gemmill 04/18/2016
Arlene Medder 04/18/2016
arlene merrynman 04/18/2016
Arlene Zuckerman 04/18/2016
Arlene Zuckerman 04/18/2016
arlette Casellas 04/18/2016
Armando Aranjo 04/18/2016
Armando Gomez 04/18/2016
Armetta White 04/18/2016
Arnold Gatti 04/18/2016
arnold roman 04/18/2016
Aron Ralston 04/18/2016
aron shevis 04/18/2016
Art and Carol Stroede 04/18/2016
Art Glick 04/18/2016


E.g., 01/09/2025
Note: Comments were accepted March 18, 2016 - July 18, 2016

Media Point of Contact

Susan Blake

Apache Leap Special Management Area
Apache Leap SMA website