Scoping Information

This document summarizes relevant issues for analysis that were identified during the scoping process for the project. The purpose of the scoping process is to provide agencies, members of the public, and members of the internal interdisciplinary (ID) team with an opportunity to provide input on the scope of the proposed project and analysis of relevant issues in the environmental impact statement.

Public concern statements were developed by the TNF to present the full range of concerns expressed by the public and various agencies during the public scoping period for the Resolution Copper Project and Land Exchange. Public concern statements are succinct statements that summarize the public’s viewpoint and rationale for concerns.

One of the first steps in the preparation of an EIS is to understand the issues that should be considered while preparing the document. These issues will define the scope of both the alternatives that will be considered and the analysis that will need to be conducted. For this reason, the process of discovering these issues is called “Scoping” and is a process that involves asking the public, stakeholders, tribes, cooperating agencies, and Forest specialists to help identify the most important issues to be analyzed.

This scoping report was prepared by the U.S. Forest Service (Forest Service) to summarize the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) scoping process for the Resolution Copper Project and Land Exchange Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).

During the Scoping Period, Scoping Meetings were held in the project area for interested and affected individuals, groups and organizations, as well as local, state and tribal governmental agencies. These meetings provided the public with an opportunity to ask questions; learn more about the proposed project; and provide comments on issues and concerns that should be addressed in the EIS and alternatives that should be evaluated.

Numerous individuals and several organizations requested an extension of the public scoping period, as well as additional public scoping meetings. The TNF Forest Supervisor has decided to accommodate these requests by extending the public scoping period through July 18, 2016 and holding one additional public scoping meeting on June 9, 2016.

Based on requests from individuals and organizations for a scoping period extension and additional meetings, the TNF Forest Supervisor has decided to accommodate these requests by extending the public scoping period through July 18, 2016 and holding one additional public scoping meeting on June 9, 2016.

Notes taken of Question and Answer sessions of series of public scoping meetings held in March and April 2016. Public members were able to ask questions of the Forest Service staff on the project or about the NEPA and scoping process.

This information handout provides a general overview of the Resolution Copper Project and Land Exchange EIS. This document was mailed, along with the scoping letter from the Tonto National Forest Supervisor, to the project mailing list on March 18, 2016 and will be provided at public meetings.

These presentation slides were used for the series of public scoping meetings held in March and April 2016.


Media Point of Contact

Amanda Oliver

Apache Leap Special Management Area
Apache Leap SMA website