Baseline Reports

This Draft Decision Notice and Finding of No Significant Impact responds to the proposed Baseline Plan only. The Forest...

The Forest Service prepared this Environmental Assessment to consider approval of the proposed plans of operations. It...

The following documents represent baseline information collected by Resolution Copper and provided to the Tonto National Forest to be used as a partial basis for the analysis in the EIS. The Tonto National Forest will independently evaluate any data provided by Resolution Copper that is used in the EIS to ensure that it is valid, adequate to support the analysis, and represents the best available science.

Choose an option from these Baseline Report categories

This Modeling Report includes a description of the methods and datasets used in the air quality modeling analyses to estimate...

The proposed Resolution Mine presents a number of socioeconomic issues which required research, analysis and modeling.

This Modeling Report includes a description of the methods and datasets used in the air quality modeling analyses to estimate...

This catalog has been prepared to summarize available information for selected springs and seeps in the Upper Queen Creek and...

Data summarized in this report include digital photographs taken between January 1, 2016 and December 31, 2017. During this...

This biological evaluation (BE) supports an evaluation of an alternative tailings storage facility (TSF; the Project) located...

This modeling plan includes a description of the methods and data sets that are planned to be used in the air quality modeling...

This Modeling Plan includes a description of the methods and data sets that are planned to be used in the air quality modeling...

Surveys were conducted for special-status plant species associated with water features that occur in the vicinity of the Study...

The impact of outdoor lighting from the proposed Resolution Copper mine on the night skies as viewed from four observation...

A probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) and deterministic seismic hazard analysis (DSHA) were performed for Resolution...

This report summarizes the meteorological, upper-air (SoDAR1), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur...

This screening analysis was prepared to determine the potential for occurrence of special-status species and/or the presence...

This report summarizes the meteorological, upper-air (SoDAR1), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (...

Fourteen sites were studied to provide baseline technical hydrologic monitoring in the Oak Flat area within or adjacent to the...

This report summarizes the meteorological, upper-air (SoDAR1), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (...

This catalog has been prepared to summarize available information for selected springs and seeps in the Upper Queen Creek and...

Computed flood flow frequency and volume‐duration‐frequency values for points of interest on Queen Creek and Devil’s Canyon....

The purpose of this traffic study is to evaluate the current and future transportation system at the proposed Resolution...

The purpose of this study is to quantify climbing resources and to assess potential losses for the Environmental Impact...

This assessment provides background information on concepts related to environmental sound.

This report summarizes the meteorological, upper-air (SoDAR), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2...

The principal objective of this report is to present and review groundwater level and hydraulic head data for the RC...

A series of stream gauges is located within the upper Queen Creek, Devil’s Canyon, and Mineral Creek watersheds, located near...

This report is an addendum to the Surface Water Baseline Report prepared by M&A (2013) that includes detailed analysis and...

Passive survey for raptors in 2016 were conducted at four sites in the vicinity of the Resolution Copper Project. Survey was...

The Apache Leap South End parcels are three non-contiguous private inholdings within the Tonto National Forest. The Property...

The East Clear Creek parcel is a private inholding within the Coconino National Forest, located along East Clear Creek about...

This Ecological Overview was prepared for approximately 160 acres (65 hectares) in Gila and Pinal counties, Arizona.

Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) for approximately 148 acres referred to as the Tangle Creek parcel.

This Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) is for approximately 147 acres referred to as Turkey Creek, also known as the...

Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) for approximately 956 acres referred to as the Appleton Ranch Property. This...

The Property is a private in-holding within the Tonto National Forest, located along Cave Creek about 6 miles north of the...

Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) for approximately 640 acres referred to as East Clear Creek.

This report is an addendum to several previous reports that include detailed analysis and discussion of hydrochemical sampling...

The purpose of this traffic study is to evaluate the current and future transportation system at the proposed Resolution...

Hydrologic test wells HRES-01, HRES-02, HRES-03, HRES-04, and HRES-05 were drilled and constructed during the period February...

The primary objective of the testing presented in this report was to further enhance and expand the Project’s understanding of...

This report summarizes the meteorological, upper air, nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), ozone (O3), and...

Meteorological and air quality monitoring program to support several efforts during the mine development phases: environmental...

This report summarizes the meteorological, upper air, nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), ozone (O3), and...

This report summarizes the meteorological, upper air, nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), ozone (O3), and...

Yellow-billed cuckoo surveys at four sites in the vicinity of the Resolution Copper Project conducted in 2015. Surveys were...

Earth Systems was engaged to conduct kinetic geochemical testwork on tailings samples generated from pilot scale metallurgical...

This report summarizes the meteorological, nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), ozone (O3), and particulate matter (...

Wetland and floodplain analysis of a 2,422-acre area of federal land being proposed for exchange for more than 5,000 acres of...

This report summarizes the meteorological, nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), ozone (O3), and particulate matter (...

An evaluation of approximately 539-acre area for the presence of potential waters to the U.S.

This report presents a flood-duration flow frequency analysis for selected durations (1 day, 3 day, 7 day, 15 day, and 30 day...

This report summarizes the meteorological, nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), ozone (O3), and particulate matter (...

In 2015 Audubon Arizona organized and conducted standardized surveys on three reaches of Queen and Arnett Creeks near Superior...

This report summarizes the meteorological, nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), ozone (O3), and particulate matter (...

Arizona hedgehog cactus surveys were conducted in conformance with the monitoring requirements of the Resolution Pre-...

This report summarizes the meteorological, nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), ozone (O3), and particulate matter (...

List of birds [frequency and season].

This report summarizes the meteorological, nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), ozone (O3), and particulate matter (...

Biological baseline studies were conducted related to a proposed tailings alternative within the Tonto National Forest as...

The purpose of the survey was to evaluate the occurrence and distribution of plants listed by the TNF as invasive species,...

Data collected during this wildlife camera monitoring survey provides a preliminary inventory of wildlife species in the...

Raptor studies were conducted within the proposed Near West Tailings alternative area to provide baseline biological...

An evaluation of an approximately 14,273-acre area for the presence of potential waters of the U.S.

This technical memorandum was prepared to document results and analysis of a 90-day aquifer test conducted by RCM at well HRES...

This plan describes the procedures followed by RCM for the EPS activities to prevent, control, and mitigate releases of oil...

This plan describes the procedures followed by RCM for the WPS activities to prevent, control, and mitigate releases of oil...

Flooding is among the worst natural disasters responsible for loss of life and property in Arizona, underscoring the...

This report summarizes the meteorological, nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), ozone (O3), and particulate matter (...

This report summarizes the meteorological, nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), ozone (O3), and particulate matter (...

Avian surveys were conducted in support of the proposed Near West tailing alternatives areas.

This report summarizes the meteorological, nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), ozone (O3), and particulate matter (...

Surveys for Arizona Hedgehog Cactus in support of Resolution Copper Mining pre-feasibility and feasibility studies to develop...

This report presents the results of sitespecific probabilistic seismic hazard analyses (PSHA) and deterministic seismic hazard...

This report summarizes the meteorological, nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), ozone (O3), and particulate matter (...

The goals of the baseline surface water monitoring program are to: a) Refine understanding of surface water  occurrence,...

This tech memo has been prepared to summarize results of the Phase II field investigations of the Near West site, conducted in...

The purpose of the Phase I assessment was to conduct non-invasive field investigations to supplement information obtained...

This report summarizes the meteorological, nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), ozone (O3), and particulate matter (...

This tech memo presents the first update of the Groundwater Assessment prepared by Golder Associates on behalf of Resolution...

The purposes of this BE are: 1) to describe the physical and biological features of the Analysis Area, 2) to describe and map...

Arizona hedgehog cactus surveys conducted in conformance with the monitoring requirements of the Resolution Copper Mining Pre-...

Western Yellow-billed Cuckoo (WYBC) surveys conducted in portions of Devils Canyon and Pinto Creek in Pinal and Gila counties...

An investigation of hydrogeologic conditions for the Superior Basin has been completed by Montgomery.

Arizona hedgehog cactus surveys conducted in the vicinity of East Plant, along portions of the existing Magma Mine Road, and...

Surveys were conducted for Morafka's desert tortoise (Gopherus morafkai, formerly G. agassizii, Sonoran population) within the...

An evaluation of an approximately 560-acre private parcel for the presence of potential waters of the U.S.

This report summarizes the meteorological, nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), ozone (O3), and particulate matter (...

Reptile community surveys at the Far West parcel and along portions of State Route 79 and US 60 located near Florence Junction...

Surveys reported here focus specifically on potential habitat for amphibians: the lentic habitats (ponds and stock tanks) and...

At HRES-19 and HRES-20, the primary target drilling depth was the contact between the Tertiary Apache Leap Tuff and the...

This is a summary of personal observations and impressions of the continued presence or absence of the herpetofauna which have...

This report summarizes the meteorological, nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), ozone (O3), and particulate matter (...

This draft technical memorandum has been prepared to summarize results of drilling, construction, and development of...

This technical memorandum was prepared to summarize modifications made to wells HRES-02, HRES-05, and HRES-10 in 2011.

Bird surveys in the Resolution Study Area to establish baseline information about bird species in the area. The goals of this...

Baseline biological studies in the Resolution Project Area. Surveys reported here focus specifically on aquatic habitats in...

Various baseline biological surveys and studies were conducted in and around where project features will be located.

Wildlife monitoring surveys were conducted utilizing motion-sensitive cameras in the vicinity of RCM's holdings near Superior...

Bat surveys were conducted in the project vicinity. The purpose of this project was to compile baseline data on bat species...

Raptor survey near Superior, Arizona. The purpose of the survey was to locate raptor nesting territories and to monitor...

Resolution Copper has collected meteorological and air quality data to support several efforts during the pre-feasibility and...

Raptor survey was conducted on a parcel of land administered by ASLD near Florence Junction, Pinal County Arizona.

In February 2010, Montgomery published a report entitled "Interim Results of Groundwater Monitoring, Upper Queen Creek and...

This technical memorandum was prepared to summarize results of drilling and construction at hydrologic test wells PHRES-01,...

This technical memorandum has been prepared to document results and analysis of a 23-day aquifer test conducted at hydrologic...

This technical memorandum has been prepared to summarize results of drilling and construction at hydrologic test well DHRES-14...

This technical memorandum has been prepared to summarize results of drilling, construction, and testing at hydrologic test...

This technical memorandum has been prepared to summarize the results of drilling, construction, and testing at hydrologic test...

This technical memorandum was prepared to summarize results of drilling, construction, and testing at hydrologic test well...

In 1995, the Magma Copper Company discovered a porphyry copper deposit beneath thick postmineral cover 2 km south of the...

This technical memorandum has been prepared to summarize results of drilling, construction, and testing at hydrologic test...

This technical memorandum was prepared to summarize results of drilling, construction, and testing at hydrologic test well...

Western Yellow-billed Cuckoo surveys were conducted in portions of Devils Canyon and Mineral Creek in the months of June...

Resolution Copper Mining LLC (RCML) intends to implement a meteorological and air quality monitoring program to support...

This report summarizes meteorological measurements collected at the Resolution Copper Mine monitoring system.

An evaluation of two areas, the West Plant and East Plant Analysis Areas, totaling approximately 3670 acres, for the presence...

This list incorporates changes in taxonomy and nomenclature that have occurred since the last list was prepared.

This technical memorandum was prepared to summarize results of drilling, construction, equipping, and testing at hydrologic...

This technical memorandum was prepared to summarize results of drilling, construction, equipping, and testing at hydrologic...

This technical memorandum was prepared to summarize results of drilling, construction, equipping, and testing at hydrologic...

This report summarizes meteorological measurements collected at the Resolution Copper Mine monitoring system.

Identification of potentially jurisdictional waters within an approximately 45,000-acre analysis area, encompassing the...

Arizona hedgehog cactus surveys were conducted within the Resolution Pre-Feasibility Activities area in conformance with the...

This report summarizes meteorological measurements collected at the Resolution Copper Mine monitoring system.

Bird surveys were conducted in the vicinity or RCM's holdings near Superior, Arizona. This report provides an inventory of the...

This report summarizes meteorological measurements collected at the Resolution Copper Mine monitoring system.

This report summarizes meteorological measurements collected at the Resolution Copper Mine monitoring system.

This technical memorandum was prepared to document results and analysis of a 60-day pumping test conducted at hydrologic test...

This report summarizes meteorological measurements collected at the Resolution Copper Mine monitoring system.  The purpose of...

Groundwater monitoring in the upper Queen Creek and Devils Canyon watersheds was initiated by RCM in early 2004.  The current...

This technical memorandum was prepared to provide an interim summary of data collected at wells DHRES-01 and DHRES-02.

The Audubon IBA bird survey data collection coordinated by the Tucson Audubon-IBA Program, Avian Science Initiative, at 7B...

This report summarizes meteorological measurements collected at the Resolution Copper Mine monitoring system.  The purpose of...

This report summarizes meteorological measurements collected at the Resolution Copper Mine monitoring system.

The purpose of this report is to 1) compile Arizona hedgehog cactus survey data collected during preparation of the Pre-...

This document presents the monitoring and quality assurance project plan for a meteorological monitoring program to be...

Three motion-sensitive cameras besides springs within a study area along Devils Canyon. Cameras captured numerous identifiable...

Bird surveys were conducted in the vicinity of RCM's holdings, near Superior, Arizona. This report provides an inventory of...

Fish surveys were conducted in order to determine the presence of absence of the Gila chub, as well as other native fishes...

The Research Ranch, near Elgin in Santa Cruz County, Arizona, is administered by the National Audubon Society.

This technical memorandum was prepared to summarize the results of a long-term aquifer test conducted at Resolution Project...

Arizona hedgehog cactus survey was conducted along areas proposed for pre-feasibility activities.

List of mammals [confirmed by observation or sign; suspected, but not confirmed; resident, common; occasional].

The purpose of this tech memo is to describe and present the results of a ADEQ Tier 1 geochemical characterization program of...

Resolution Copper Company commissioned Golder and Associates to establish a program for the collection of baseline surface...

Reptile and amphibian survey was conducted on the approximately 1,224-hectare Federal Parcel.

A bat survey was conducted on the approximately 1,224-hectare Federal Parcel, in the Tonto National Forest.

A raptor survey was conducted on the approximately 1,224-hectare Federal Parcel, in the Tonto National Forest.

Arizona hedgehog cactus survey was conducted on the approximately 1,224-hectare Federal Parcel. The parcel is on the Tonto...

This report summarizes the biological resources of one parcel of U.S. Forest Service land (the Federal Parcel) and five...

This report compares the floodplain and wetlands inventories for five offered lands ("Non-Federal Parcels") to the "Federal...

Ecological Overview for approximately 60.4 hectares in Maricopa County, Arizona.

An ecological overview for an approximately 357-hectare site in Santa Cruz County, Arizona.  This evaluation of the property...

An ecological overview for approximately 59.5 hectares of land along Turkey and Rock Creeks within the Tonto National Forest...

An ecological overview for approximately 59.9 hectares of land along Tangle Creek within the Tonto National Forest in Yavapai...

Baseline Biology and Land Use Report describing a parcel of federal land in the Tonto National Forest.

An ecological overview for approximately 1,295 hectares of land along the Lower San Pedro River near the Town of Mammoth.

This inventory is an update of soil and range information and maps of the National Audubon Society Appleton-Whittell Research...

Media Point of Contact

Amanda Oliver

Apache Leap Special Management Area
Apache Leap SMA website