Alternatives Development Online Workshop

*NOTE: Participation in the online workshop is now closed. It was available for online participation from March 23 through April 5, 2017. Relevant documents remain for public viewing.

The Forest Service is preparing an environmental impact statement (EIS) to evaluate and disclose the potential environmental effects from: (1) approval of a plan of operations submitted by Resolution Copper Mining, LLC (Resolution Copper), for mining operations on Forest Service lands associated with a proposed large-scale mine; (2) the exchange of land between Resolution Copper and the United States; and (3) amendments to the Tonto National Forest Land and Resource Management Plan.

As part of the EIS process, the Forest Service is required to investigate alternatives to various aspects of the Proposed Action described above.

The Forest Service recently hosted two public workshops -- in Superior, Arizona, on March 21, 2017; and in Gilbert, Arizona on March 22, 2017 -- to 1) update the public on the status of the EIS process 2) describe the alternatives development process, and 3) solicit input on the criteria being used to evaluate alternative tailings storage facility locations. Workshop attendees were asked to provide input as to the relative importance of a variety of environmental and social criteria that the Forest Service will use to evaluate alternative tailings facility locations.

One component of the mine operation that the Forest Service is investigating is potential alternatives to the proposed location for the tailings storage facility. The Forest Service will evaluate tailings facility locations based upon a variety of technical, environmental, and social criteria. The purpose of this online workshop is to gather information about your interests and social and environmental values regarding the location of the tailings storage facility. The Forest Service will use the information gathered to evaluate and compare alternative tailings storage facility locations.

Video of Forest Service Workshop Presentation, March 22, 2017 - Gilbert, Arizona:
Watch workshop presentation video on YouTube(link is external)

Workshop Materials

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