Biological Resources

List of birds [frequency and season].

This is a summary of personal observations and impressions of the continued presence or absence of the herpetofauna which have been previously reported at the Appleton-Whittell Research Ranch. A total of fifty-two amphibian and reptile species have been reported within the Research Ranch boundaries. The continued existence of several species may be in doubt.

Various baseline biological surveys and studies were conducted in and around where project features will be located. The goal of this report is to present results of surveys in the Study Area for: 1) riparian tree species, 2) pools and runs in the streambed, 3) fish species, 4) amphibian species, and 5) aquatic snake species.

Baseline biological studies in the Resolution Project Area. Surveys reported here focus specifically on aquatic habitats in Mineral Creek, Devils Canyon, and two tributaries to Devils Canyon, Ranch Rio and Hackberry Creeks.

Bird surveys in the Resolution Study Area to establish baseline information about bird species in the area. The goals of this report are to summarize avian surveys and assemble a list of avian species in the Study Area.

Wildlife monitoring surveys were conducted utilizing motion-sensitive cameras in the vicinity of RCM's holdings near Superior, Arizona. This study was designed primarily to detect medium to large mammal species in the Resolution Project Area.

Raptor survey near Superior, Arizona. The purpose of the survey was to locate raptor nesting territories and to monitor locations of previous raptor sightings to contribute to the baseline of information that will be available to analyze potential impacts of proposed mine features.

Bat surveys were conducted in the project vicinity. The purpose of this project was to compile baseline data on bat species from surveys conducted in 2011 and previous surveys conducted in the vicinity in 1996, 2001, 2002, and 2004.

Raptor survey was conducted on a parcel of land administered by ASLD near Florence Junction, Pinal County Arizona. The purpose of this study was to gather information on raptor use of the Far West site and to provide baseline survey information in order to analyze potential impacts of the proposed mine features in the future.

This list incorporates changes in taxonomy and nomenclature that have occurred since the last list was prepared. Additional species have been documented and added to the list.


Media Point of Contact

Amanda Oliver

Apache Leap Special Management Area
Apache Leap SMA website