Ecological Overview East Clear Creek Parcel
The East Clear Creek parcel is a private inholding within the Coconino National Forest, located along East Clear Creek about 38 miles (61 kilometers [km]) southwest of the town of Winslow. The Property encompasses uplands of the Colorado Plateau as well as an approximately 2.3-mile (3.7-km) reach of East Clear Creek in a narrow canyon. East Clear Creek is a perennial stream that flows toward the northeast to a confluence with the Little Colorado River near Winslow.
This ecological evaluation was conducted to:
- Identify the type and relative condition of the biological resources,
- Evaluate ecological characteristics of the Property to identify remarkable resource attributes, and
- Briefly assess the conservation values of these attributes in reference to local and regional contexts.
WestLand Resources. 2017b. Ecological Overview, East Clear Creek Parcel, Coconino County, Arizona: Resolution Copper. Project Number: 807.98 13 06. Prepared for Resolution Copper. Tucson, Arizona: WestLand Resources Inc. January 24.
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Media Point of Contact
Amanda Oliver
Apache Leap Special Management Area
Apache Leap SMA website