Golder Associates

This technical memorandum presents the results from the static geochemical characterization program of cleaner and scavenger tailings for the Resolution Copper Project .

At the request of Mr. Greg Hiner of The Trust for Public Land, Golder Associates Inc. (Golder) performed a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) of a forested property comprising all of Township 14 North, Range 12 East, Section 9, Gila and Salt River Baseline and Meridian in Coconino County, Arizona (herein referred to as the subject property or Site).

Resolution Copper Mining, LLC (RCML) is submitting for the Arizona State Mine Inspector’s review and approval this Mined Land Reclamation Plan (MLRP) for the Superior Mine in the area of Superior, Arizona.

This Technical Memorandum presents the first update of the Groundwater Assessment prepared by Golder Associates Inc. (Golder) on behalf of Resolution Copper Mining Company LLC (RCML). This work is required as part of the Area-Wide Aquifer Protection Permit (APP) No. P101703, for the West Plant Site (Figure 1). Specifically, this Technical Memorandum partially fulfills APP Compliance Schedule Item (CSI) No. 2.

The purpose of this Site Characterization Report is to provide a summary of existing relevant environmental data to characterize smelter affected soil at the West Plant Site, and to evaluate that data for use in the development of human health risk-based site-specific soil remediation standards (SSSRLs) for the West Plant Site.

This report provides the necessary background information to support an Individual Aquifer Protection Permit (APP) application for a new Development Rock Stockpile at the Superior Mine, West Plant Site, in Superior, Arizona.

This report describes the development of a numerical groundwater flow model of the West Plant Site (Site) and the modeling results. The Site is located immediately north of the town of Superior, Arizona, as shown on Figure 1. The model was developed in accordance with the Groundwater Assessment and Model Workplan, which was submitted to the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) on November 21, 2007 (Golder, 2007).

This technical memorandum presents the “Well Installation Report” for new point of compliance (POC) and alert wells prepared by Golder Associates Inc. (Golder) on behalf of Resolution Copper Mining Company LLC (RCML) as part of their area-wide Aquifer Protection Permit (APP), No. P-101703.


Media Point of Contact

Susan Blake

Apache Leap Special Management Area
Apache Leap SMA website