Objection Period Ends March 1 for Tonto’s Proposed Decision on Copper Mine

PHOENIX, February 10, 2021 — For Immediate Release.
Interested parties who previously submitted formal comments about the Resolution Copper Project and Land Exchange have until March 1 to file an objection to the Tonto’s proposed decision.

Objections, including attachments, must be addressed to the Reviewing Official, Regional Forester, filed via mail or express delivery to 333 Broadway Blvd SE, Albuquerque, NM, 87102; by facsimile to FAX: (505) 842-3800; or by email to objections-southwestern-regional-office@usda.gov.

An automated response will confirm when electronic submissions have been received. If an automated response is not received, it is the sender’s responsibility to ensure timely filing by other means. Electronic objections must be submitted in MS Word, portable document format (PDF), or rich text format (RTF). The subject line for electronic submissions should contain Resolution Copper Project. It is the objector’s responsibility to ensure evidence of timely receipt.

Additional guidelines for submitting an objection are described in Part 8 of the draft ROD. The public may access the FEIS and draft ROD along with related documents on the project website.

Tonto officials released the final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) along with a draft Record of Decision (DROD) for the Resolution Copper Mine and Land Exchange Project on January 15, 2021, initiating a 45-day objection period.

The Tonto prepared the FEIS for use as the basis for all decisions under Federal law related to the proposed mine and the Resolution mine plan of operations and any related major Federal actions significantly affecting the quality of the human environment.

The FEIS identifies Alternative 6 – Skunk Camp as the Preferred Alternative. It also identifies mitigation measures, both required and voluntary, that would minimize, reduce, or offset impacts from the proposed project.

The draft ROD explains the Tonto’s rationale and documents the Tonto’s decision to authorize uses of National Forest System land by issuing a road use permit and special use authorizations for pipeline and power line corridors associated with the project.


Media Point of Contact

Amanda Oliver

Apache Leap Special Management Area
Apache Leap SMA website