Draft Alternatives Evaluation Report for Resolution Copper Project Available Online

PHOENIX, November 2, 2017 — For Immediate Release.
The Forest Service has developed a draft version of a report that documents the agency’s alternative development process for the Resolution Copper project.

As of November 1, 2017, the public can review or download the draft Alternatives Evaluation Report from the project website. The report addresses mining techniques and tailings storage facility alternatives as well as a range of alternatives for other General Plan of Operations (GPO) components.

As part of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) process, the Forest Service is required to investigate alternatives to the various aspects of the proposed action.

Forest Service Project Manager Mary Rasmussen states that the proposed action is to approve the GPO as submitted by Resolution Copper Mining, LLC, to the Tonto National Forest; and to facilitate a land exchange between Resolution Copper and the United States as directed by Congress under Section 3003 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2015.

Resolution Copper is proposing to develop an underground copper mine on a section of the Tonto National Forest located near Superior, Arizona. An estimated surface disturbance of 6,900 acres (approximately 11 square miles) -- including 4,000 acres for storing the tailings -- would result from the underground mining activity.


Media Point of Contact

Amanda Oliver

Apache Leap Special Management Area
Apache Leap SMA website