
EIS No. 20210005, Final, USFS, AZ, WITHDRAWN—Resolution Copper Project and Land Exchange. Revision to FR Notice Published 01/ 15/2021; Officially Withdrawn per request of the submitting agency.

At six volumes, the final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) describes the potential environmental effects from two proposed actions: a general plan of operations for development of a large-scale underground copper mine by Resolution Copper Mining, LLC.A related, and a legislatively-mandated land exchange.

The draft ROD explains the Tonto National Forest’s rationale and documents the Tonto’s proposed decision to authorize uses of National Forest System land by issuing a road use permit and special use authorizations for pipeline and power line corridors associated with the project. Guidelines for submitting an objection are described in Part 8 of the draft ROD.

This compilation of maps has been extracted from the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) and Draft Record of Decision (DROD) for the Resolution Copper Project, released on January 15, 2021.

Federal Register Notice of Availability

EIS No. 20210005, Final, USFS, AZ, Resolution Copper Project and Land Exchange, Review Period Ends: 03/01/2021

The Executive Summary provides an overview of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for the proposed Resolution Copper Project and Land Exchange.

The Draft EIS describes the process undertaken by the USDA Forest Service, to evaluate the issues related to and predicted effects of the submittal by Resolution Copper's mining GPO, and legislatively-mandated land exchange.

Neil Bosworth, the Forest Supervisor for the Tonto National Forest, outlines his agency’s responsibilities and encourages the public to review the Draft EIS and provide substantive comments with supporting reasons in his Dear Reader letter.

Throughout the 90-day public comment period, the Forest Service offered multiple ways – including website submissions, written comments and public hearings – for interested parties to comment on the analysis and findings in the Draft EIS. The Forest Service hosted six public hearings in towns and cities including Superior, San Tan Valley, Kearny, Globe, Queen Valley, and Tempe. Two court reporters recorded oral comments from attendees. These are the public comments from each public hearing.

Collection of 20 posters and maps presented at the Draft EIS Public Hearings held in September and October 2019.

This newsletter provides an overview of how the document is organized, content, how to get a copy, and how to provide substantive comments.

Federal Register Notice of Availability

EIS No. 20190189, Draft, USFS, AZ, Resolution Copper Project and Land Exchange, Comment Period Ends: 11/07/2019

This map package provides a more detailed view (1:24,000 scale) of the pipeline corridor, power line corridor, and access roads to these corridors for the Forest Service’s preferred alternative.

The Draft EIS update outlines identified issues, alternatives development and updated maps as well as an overview of impacts for the Resolution Copper Project and Land Exchange. Forest Service officials anticipate releasing the Draft EIS in summer 2019.

This document summarizes the Resolution Copper Project and Land Exchange Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) alternatives development process.

A variation of the proposed action described in the May 9, 2016, version of Resolution Copper’s General Plan of Operations, this alternative would include a split-stream tailings processing method with two tailings types.

Shares several similarities with Alternative 2; one key difference is it proposes to reduce the amount of water retained in non-potentially acid generating (NPAG) tailings as well as reduce seepage potential through on-site thickening of NPAG tailings and ‘Thin-lift’ deposition.

The only alternative proposing to use filtered tailings instead of slurry tailings. Conveyors and mobile equipment would mechanically deposit potentially acid generating tailings and non-potentially acid generating tailings in two separate, adjacent tailings storage facilities.

This alternative allows for a comparison of the impacts of slurry tailings if placed in a flatter, alluvial setting instead of an upland wash or canyon.

The location for this alternative would enable use of cross-valley embankments/dams requiring less fill to retain tailings compared to a ring-like impoundment, simplifying construction and operations.

Presentation slides from Alternative Development Public Workshop on March 22, 2017 in Gilbert, AZ.

The Forest Service is hosting workshops to solicit input on the relative importance of a variety of environmental and social criteria that they will use to evaluate alternative tailings facility locations. The Forest Service has scheduled in-person and online workshops.

The Forest Service held workshops to 1) update the public on the status of the EIS process 2) describe the alternatives development process, and 3) solicit input on the criteria being used to evaluate alternative tailings storage facility locations.

This document summarizes relevant issues for analysis that were identified during the scoping process for the project. The purpose of the scoping process is to provide agencies, members of the public, and members of the internal interdisciplinary (ID) team with an opportunity to provide input on the scope of the proposed project and analysis of relevant issues in the environmental impact statement.

Public concern statements were developed by the TNF to present the full range of concerns expressed by the public and various agencies during the public scoping period for the Resolution Copper Project and Land Exchange. Public concern statements are succinct statements that summarize the public’s viewpoint and rationale for concerns.

One of the first steps in the preparation of an EIS is to understand the issues that should be considered while preparing the document. These issues will define the scope of both the alternatives that will be considered and the analysis that will need to be conducted.

This scoping report was prepared by the U.S. Forest Service (Forest Service) to summarize the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) scoping process for the Resolution Copper Project and Land Exchange Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).

Numerous individuals and several organizations requested an extension of the public scoping period, as well as additional public scoping meetings. The TNF Forest Supervisor has decided to accommodate these requests by extending the public scoping period through July 18, 2016 and holding one additional public scoping meeting on June 9, 2016.

Based on requests from individuals and organizations for a scoping period extension and additional meetings, the TNF Forest Supervisor has decided to accommodate these requests by extending the public scoping period through July 18, 2016 and holding one additional public scoping meeting on June 9, 2016.

Notes taken of Question and Answer sessions of series of public scoping meetings held in March and April 2016. Public members were able to ask questions of the Forest Service staff on the project or about the NEPA and scoping process.

This information handout provides a general overview of the Resolution Copper Project and Land Exchange EIS. This document was mailed, along with the scoping letter from the Tonto National Forest Supervisor, to the project mailing list on March 18, 2016 and will be provided at public meetings.

These presentation slides were used for the series of public scoping meetings held in March and April 2016.

These informational posters were displayed during public meetings that occurred during the formal scoping period.

On March 18, 2016, the Notice of Intent was published in the Federal Register, initiating the scoping process for the Resolution Copper Project and Land Exchange EIS.  The Tonto National Forest Supervisor, Neil Bosworth, issued this scoping letter, inviting public participation in the scoping process.

These questions were asked and answered during the public meetings held in Queen Valley, Superior, Globe, Gilbert, and San Tan, Arizona from March - June 2016. 180 total questions and answers are recorded here in 5 categories: NEPA process, impact analysis, land exchange, mine proprosal, and general.

Public open house meetings will be held as follows. Each meeting will take place from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m.; a presentation will take place at 5:30, followed by a brief question and answer period.

Publication of the NOI in the Federal Register on March 18, 2016 represents the official start of the process to prepare an EIS, as required under the National Environmental Policy Act, for approval of a plan of operations for the Resolution Copper Project and associated land exchange.

Choose an option from these Baseline Report categories

This Modeling Report includes a description of the methods and datasets used in the air quality modeling analyses to estimate the Resolution Project’s air quality impacts relative to the applicable Ambient Air Quality Standards (AAQS) for criteria pollutants and to Air Quality Related Values (AQRV) in the near-field domain and in several Class I Wilderness Areas in the far-field domain.

The proposed Resolution Mine presents a number of socioeconomic issues which required research, analysis and modeling. This report provides greater detail and documentation regarding the socioeconomic effects that will be summarized in the Draft EIS.

This Modeling Report includes a description of the methods and datasets used in the air quality modeling analyses to estimate the Resolution Project’s air quality impacts relative to the applicable Ambient Air Quality Standards (AAQS) for criteria pollutants and to Air Quality Related Values in the near-field domain.

This catalog has been prepared to summarize available information for selected springs and seeps in the Upper Queen Creek and Devils Canyon watersheds. The springs and seeps included in this catalog were selected based on proximity to planned facilities as proposed by Resolution Copper for the Resolution mine project. Version 2.0.

Data summarized in this report include digital photographs taken between January 1, 2016 and December 31, 2017. During this survey period, motion-sensitive cameras were deployed at twelve total locations in the vicinity of the Project.

This biological evaluation (BE) supports an evaluation of an alternative tailings storage facility (TSF; the Project) located southeast of Superior and north of Kearny, Pinal County, Arizona. The purpose of this BE is to perform a screening analysis to determine the occurrence or potential to occur of special-status species and/or designated or proposed critical habitat in the proposed Project Area or its vicinity.

This modeling plan includes a description of the methods and data sets that are planned to be used in the air quality modeling analyses to estimate the Resolution Project’s air quality impacts relative to the applicable Ambient Air Quality Standards (AAQS) for criteria pollutants and to Air Quality Related Values (AQRV) in the near-field domain.

This Modeling Plan includes a description of the methods and data sets that are planned to be used in the air quality modeling analyses to estimate the Resolution Project’s air quality impacts relative to the applicable Ambient Air Quality Standards (AAQS) for criteria pollutants.

Surveys were conducted for special-status plant species associated with water features that occur in the vicinity of the Study Area.

The impact of outdoor lighting from the proposed Resolution Copper mine on the night skies as viewed from four observation points is assessed.

A probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) and deterministic seismic hazard analysis (DSHA) were performed for Resolution Copper’s Mine site including the area above the deposit (Mine area) and the area covering the East Plant site (Shafts 9/10).

This report summarizes the meteorological, upper-air (SoDAR1), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), ozone (O3), and particulate matter (PM) data collected at the Resolution Copper Project near Superior, Arizona, for the fourth quarter, October 1 through December 31, 2017.

This screening analysis was prepared to determine the potential for occurrence of special-status species and/or the presence of designated or proposed critical habitat within the footprint of these federal actions in support of USFS and Cooperative Agency review of these activities under NEPA.

This report summarizes the meteorological, upper-air (SoDAR1), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), ozone (O3), and particulate matter (PM) data collected at the Resolution Copper Project near Superior, Arizona, for the third quarter, July 1 through September 30, 2017.

Fourteen sites were studied to provide baseline technical hydrologic monitoring in the Oak Flat area within or adjacent to the projected disturbance zone of the proposed RC block cave mine.

This report summarizes the meteorological, upper-air (SoDAR1), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), ozone (O3), and particulate matter (PM) data collected at the Resolution Copper Project near Superior, Arizona, for the second quarter, April 1 through June 30, 2017.

This catalog has been prepared to summarize available information for selected springs and seeps in the Upper Queen Creek and Devils Canyon watersheds. The springs and seeps included in this catalog were selected based on proximity to planned facilities as proposed by Resolution Copper for the Resolution mine project. Version 1.0.

Computed flood flow frequency and volume‐duration‐frequency values for points of interest on Queen Creek and Devil’s Canyon.

The purpose of this traffic study is to evaluate the current and future transportation system at the proposed Resolution Copper Mine expansion without and with the project. Traffic operations were analyzed at existing, key intersections located near the proposed mining operations and facilities during construction and final operations. Revised April 13, 2017.

The purpose of this study is to quantify climbing resources and to assess potential losses for the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and to help identify needs for potential mitigation. Aside from a climbing resources inventory, this memorandum also provides background information related to climbing resources, including a description of areas within the Queen Creek climbing area.

This assessment provides background information on concepts related to environmental sound.

This report summarizes the meteorological, upper-air (SoDAR), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), ozone (O3), and particulate matter (PM) data collected at the Resolution Copper Project near Superior, Arizona, for the fourth quarter, October 1 through December 31, 2016.

The principal objective of this report is to present and review groundwater level and hydraulic head data for the RC hydrologic monitoring network.

A series of stream gauges is located within the upper Queen Creek, Devil’s Canyon, and Mineral Creek watersheds, located near Superior, AZ. These gauges are owned and maintained by Resolution Copper Mining (RCM). The historical stream gauge records were analyzed by JE Fuller Hydrology & Geomorphology, Inc in order provide an assessment of the quantity and quality of the surface water data.

This report is an addendum to the Surface Water Baseline Report prepared by M&A (2013) that includes detailed analysis and discussion of surface water monitoring results in the Resolution Project study area; Devils Canyon, Queen Creek, and Mineral Creek.

Passive survey for raptors in 2016 were conducted at four sites in the vicinity of the Resolution Copper Project. Survey was conducted at the Whitlow Ranch Dam, two portions of Devils Canyon, and one segment of Mineral Creek, all in Pinal County, Arizona.

The Apache Leap South End parcels are three non-contiguous private inholdings within the Tonto National Forest. The Property is situated along the southern end of the Apache Leap, a prominent geologic feature that visually dominates the skyline east of the town of Superior, Arizona.

The East Clear Creek parcel is a private inholding within the Coconino National Forest, located along East Clear Creek about 38 miles (61 kilometers [km]) southwest of the town of Winslow. The Property encompasses uplands of the Colorado Plateau as well as an approximately 2.3-mile (3.7-km) reach of East Clear Creek in a narrow canyon.

This Ecological Overview was prepared for approximately 160 acres (65 hectares) in Gila and Pinal counties, Arizona. The Dripping Springs parcel is a private inholding within the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) lands (and adjacent to Arizona State Trust Lands), located along the Dripping Spring Mountains about 8 miles (13 kilometers [km]) north of the town of Hayden.

Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) for approximately 148 acres referred to as the Tangle Creek parcel.

This Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) is for approximately 147 acres referred to as Turkey Creek, also known as the JX Bar Ranch and J Slash X Ranch.

Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) for approximately 956 acres referred to as the Appleton Ranch Property. This property is comprised of a set of three private land tracts consisting of eight county assessor parcels within the larger (8,000 acre) Appleton-Whittell Research Ranch.

The Property is a private in-holding within the Tonto National Forest, located along Cave Creek about 6 miles north of the town of Cave Creek. The nearest large metropolitan community is Phoenix, Arizona, located approximately 25 miles south of the Property.


Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) for approximately 640 acres referred to as East Clear Creek. The property comprises the entirety of Section 9 in Township 14 North, Range 12 East relative to the Gila and Salt River Baseline and Meridian, in Coconino County, Arizona.

This report is an addendum to several previous reports that include detailed analysis and discussion of hydrochemical sampling results for surface water and groundwater in the Upper Queen Creek/Devils Canyon (QCDC) study area.

The purpose of this traffic study is to evaluate the current and future transportation system at the proposed Resolution Copper Mine expansion without and with the project. Traffic operations were analyzed at existing, key intersections located near the proposed mining operations and facilities during construction and final operations.

Hydrologic test wells HRES-01, HRES-02, HRES-03, HRES-04, and HRES-05 were drilled and constructed during the period February 2 to March 11, 2004. The test wells were drilled evaluate lithologic and hydrogeologic conditions within the Apache Leap Tuff, and were terminated in the uppermost part of the Whitetail Conglomerate.

The primary objective of the testing presented in this report was to further enhance and expand the Project’s understanding of the potential geochemical reactivity of the scavenger tailings, although some process waters and pyrite tailings from the 2014 pilot plant were also tested.

This report summarizes the meteorological, upper air, nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), ozone (O3), and particulate matter (PM) data collected at the Resolution Copper Project near Superior, Arizona for the first quarter, January 1 – March 31, 2016.

Meteorological and air quality monitoring program to support several efforts during the mine development phases: environmental assessments, impact analyses, and documents required by NEPA; meteorological and air quality data to be processed and used as input for AERMOD dispersion modeling; and air quality baseline data and AERMOD analyses in support of an application to the Pinal County Air Quality Control District for air permits.

This report summarizes the meteorological, upper air, nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), ozone (O3), and particulate matter (PM) data collected at the Resolution Copper Project near Superior, Arizona for the fourth quarter, October 1 – December 31, 2015.

This report summarizes the meteorological, upper air, nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), ozone (O3), and particulate matter (PM) data collected at the Resolution Copper Project near Superior, Arizona for the third quarter, July 1 – September 30, 2015.

Yellow-billed cuckoo surveys at four sites in the vicinity of the Resolution Copper Project conducted in 2015. Surveys were conducted at the Whitlow Ranch Dam, two portions of Devils Canyon, and one segment of Mineral Creek, all in Pinal County, Arizona.

Earth Systems was engaged to conduct kinetic geochemical testwork on tailings samples generated from pilot scale metallurgical testwork for the Resolution Copper Mine.

This report summarizes the meteorological, nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), ozone (O3), and particulate matter (PM) data collected at the Resolution Copper Project near Superior, Arizona for the second quarter, April 1-June 30, 2015.

Wetland and floodplain analysis of a 2,422-acre area of federal land being proposed for exchange for more than 5,000 acres of RCM privately owned conservation parcels.

This report summarizes the meteorological, nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), ozone (O3), and particulate matter (PM) data collected at the Resolution Copper Project near Superior, Arizona for the first quarter, January 1-March 31, 2015.

This report presents a flood-duration flow frequency analysis for selected durations (1 day, 3 day, 7 day, 15 day, and 30 day) at 173 streamgaging stations throughout Arizona and in western New Mexico.

This report summarizes the meteorological, nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), ozone (O3), and particulate matter (PM) data collected at the Resolution Copper Project near Superior, Arizona for the fourth quarter, October 1-December 31, 2014.

In 2015 Audubon Arizona organized and conducted standardized surveys on three reaches of Queen and Arnett Creeks near Superior, Arizona, in order to document yellow-billed cuckoo occurrence and abundance and to provide a basis for management recommendations.

This report summarizes the meteorological, nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), ozone (O3), and particulate matter (PM) data collected at the Resolution Copper Project near Superior, Arizona for the third quarter, July 1-September 30, 2014.

Arizona hedgehog cactus surveys were conducted in conformance with the monitoring requirements of the Resolution Pre-feasibility Activities Plan of Operations and the Tonto National Forest's Finding of No Significant Impact.

This report summarizes the meteorological, nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), ozone (O3), and particulate matter (PM) data collected at the Resolution Copper Project near Superior, Arizona for the second quarter, April 1-June 30, 2014.

List of birds [frequency and season].

This report summarizes the meteorological, nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), ozone (O3), and particulate matter (PM) data collected at the Resolution Copper Project near Superior, Arizona for the first quarter, January 1-March 31, 2014.

Biological baseline studies were conducted related to a proposed tailings alternative within the Tonto National Forest as outlined in a GPO, and related to proposed baseline activities in support of mining exploration activities in the same general area as described in a Plan of Operations.

The purpose of the survey was to evaluate the occurrence and distribution of plants listed by the TNF as invasive species, hereafter called noxious weeds, within the proposed disturbance areas for Baseline Activities.

Data collected during this wildlife camera monitoring survey provides a preliminary inventory of wildlife species in the vicinity of the proposed project and in the broader area.

Raptor studies were conducted within the proposed Near West Tailings alternative area to provide baseline biological information to support planning and permitting activities.

An evaluation of an approximately 14,273-acre area for the presence of potential waters of the U.S.

This technical memorandum was prepared to document results and analysis of a 90-day aquifer test conducted by RCM at well HRES-20 completed in the Apache Leap Tuff (ALT) aquifer.

This plan describes the procedures followed by RCM for the EPS activities to prevent, control, and mitigate releases of oil and petroleum products to the environment at its RCM EPS located near the Town of Superior, in Pinal County, Arizona.

This plan describes the procedures followed by RCM for the WPS activities to prevent, control, and mitigate releases of oil and petroleum products to the environment at its RCM WPS located near the Town of Superior, in Pinal County, Arizona.

Flooding is among the worst natural disasters responsible for loss of life and property in Arizona, underscoring the importance of accurate estimation of flood magnitude for proper structural design and floodplain mapping. Twenty-four years of additional peak-flow data have been recorded since the last comprehensive regional flood frequency analysis conducted in Arizona.

This report summarizes the meteorological, nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), ozone (O3), and particulate matter (PM) data collected at the Resolution Copper Project near Superior, Arizona for the fourth quarter, October 1-December 31, 2013.

This report summarizes the meteorological, nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), ozone (O3), and particulate matter (PM) data collected at the Resolution Copper Project near Superior, Arizona for the third quarter, July 1-September 30, 2013.

Avian surveys were conducted in support of the proposed Near West tailing alternatives areas. WestLand and BIOME biologists conducted avian surveys designed to provide information on the avian species occurring in the vicinity of the Analysis Area and to determine the presence of Tonto National Forest sensitive and management indicator species, as well as species protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act.

This report summarizes the meteorological, nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), ozone (O3), and particulate matter (PM) data collected at the Resolution Copper Project near Superior, Arizona for the second quarter, April 1-June 30, 2013.

Surveys for Arizona Hedgehog Cactus in support of Resolution Copper Mining pre-feasibility and feasibility studies to develop an underground copper mine east of Superior, Arizona. Includes an Access database compiled of all known AHC observed in surveys from 2010 through 2012.

This report presents the results of sitespecific probabilistic seismic hazard analyses (PSHA) and deterministic seismic hazard analyses (DSHA) of four sites for the RMC tailings storage facilities options in southern Arizona.

This report summarizes the meteorological, nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), ozone (O3), and particulate matter (PM) data collected at the Resolution Copper Project near Superior, Arizona for the first quarter, January 1-March 31, 2013.

The goals of the baseline surface water monitoring program are to: a) Refine understanding of surface water  occurrence, quantity, and quality within the study are b) Develop a baseline data set against which future potential impacts from mining may be measured, and c) Support development of an EIS.

This tech memo has been prepared to summarize results of the Phase II field investigations of the Near West site, conducted in support of RCM's ongoing prefeasibility studies for storage of RCM mine tailings. The purpose of Phase II investigations was to conduct electrical resistivity surveys to assess the potential occurrence of shallow groundwater at the Near West site.

The purpose of the Phase I assessment was to conduct non-invasive field investigations to supplement information obtained previously from published data and to plan Phase III investigations involving subsurface exploration drilling and hydrologic testing.

This report summarizes the meteorological, nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), ozone (O3), and particulate matter (PM) data collected at the Resolution Copper Project near Superior, Arizona for the fourth quarter, October 1-December 31, 2012.

This tech memo presents the first update of the Groundwater Assessment prepared by Golder Associates on behalf of Resolution Copper Mining.  This work is required as part of the Area-Wide Aquifer Protection Permit for the West Plant Site.  Specifically, this tech memo partially fulfills APP Compliance Schedule Item (CSI) No. 2.

The purposes of this BE are: 1) to describe the physical and biological features of the Analysis Area, 2) to describe and map the plant communities, and 3) to identify the potential for special status species to occur within the Analysis Area.

Arizona hedgehog cactus surveys conducted in conformance with the monitoring requirements of the Resolution Copper Mining Pre-feasibility Activities Plan of Operations and the Tonto National Forest's Finding of No Significant Impact.

Western Yellow-billed Cuckoo (WYBC) surveys conducted in portions of Devils Canyon and Pinto Creek in Pinal and Gila counties, Arizona.

An investigation of hydrogeologic conditions for the Superior Basin has been completed by Montgomery. The chief objective of the survey was to evaluate the cause of recent water level declines reported for some wells located within and adjacent to the Queen Creek corridor through the Superior Basin, as well as observed declines in discharge from Whitlow Ranch Dam.

Arizona hedgehog cactus surveys conducted in the vicinity of East Plant, along portions of the existing Magma Mine Road, and along the proposed re-alignment of Magma Mine Road.

Surveys were conducted for Morafka's desert tortoise (Gopherus morafkai, formerly G. agassizii, Sonoran population) within the Far West property located near Florence Junction, Arizona.

An evaluation of an approximately 560-acre private parcel for the presence of potential waters of the U.S.

This report summarizes the meteorological, nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), ozone (O3), and particulate matter (PM) data collected at the Resolution Copper Project near Superior, Arizona for the third quarter, July 1-September 30, 2012.

Reptile community surveys at the Far West parcel and along portions of State Route 79 and US 60 located near Florence Junction.

Surveys reported here focus specifically on potential habitat for amphibians: the lentic habitats (ponds and stock tanks) and lotic habitats (ephemeral drainages and creeks) in the Oak Flat/East Plant Area, including portions of Devils Canyon south of U.S. Route 60.

At HRES-19 and HRES-20, the primary target drilling depth was the contact between the Tertiary Apache Leap Tuff and the underlying White Tail Conglomerate. During drilling operations, data was collected to better characterize the hydrogeologic conditions within the Apache Leap Tuff. The target depth was reached at HRES-19, although the depth to the White Tail Conglomerate was shallower than expected.

This is a summary of personal observations and impressions of the continued presence or absence of the herpetofauna which have been previously reported at the Appleton-Whittell Research Ranch. A total of fifty-two amphibian and reptile species have been reported within the Research Ranch boundaries. The continued existence of several species may be in doubt.

This report summarizes the meteorological, nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), ozone (O3), and particulate matter (PM) data collected at the Resolution Copper Project near Superior, Arizona for the second quarter, April 1-June 30, 2012.

This draft technical memorandum has been prepared to summarize results of drilling, construction, and development of groundwater production well RESPW-01. The well was installed to intersect mine workings on the 4400 Mine Level adjacent to Shaft No. 8 of the Magma Mine in order to dewater that level and overlying levels.

This technical memorandum was prepared to summarize modifications made to wells HRES-02, HRES-05, and HRES-10 in 2011.

Bird surveys in the Resolution Study Area to establish baseline information about bird species in the area. The goals of this report are to summarize avian surveys and assemble a list of avian species in the Study Area.

Baseline biological studies in the Resolution Project Area. Surveys reported here focus specifically on aquatic habitats in Mineral Creek, Devils Canyon, and two tributaries to Devils Canyon, Ranch Rio and Hackberry Creeks.

Various baseline biological surveys and studies were conducted in and around where project features will be located. The goal of this report is to present results of surveys in the Study Area for: 1) riparian tree species, 2) pools and runs in the streambed, 3) fish species, 4) amphibian species, and 5) aquatic snake species.

Wildlife monitoring surveys were conducted utilizing motion-sensitive cameras in the vicinity of RCM's holdings near Superior, Arizona. This study was designed primarily to detect medium to large mammal species in the Resolution Project Area.

Bat surveys were conducted in the project vicinity. The purpose of this project was to compile baseline data on bat species from surveys conducted in 2011 and previous surveys conducted in the vicinity in 1996, 2001, 2002, and 2004.

Raptor survey near Superior, Arizona. The purpose of the survey was to locate raptor nesting territories and to monitor locations of previous raptor sightings to contribute to the baseline of information that will be available to analyze potential impacts of proposed mine features.

Resolution Copper has collected meteorological and air quality data to support several efforts during the pre-feasibility and other mine development phases for the Resolution Copper project.  This report characterizes baseline air quality and meteorological conditions for the project site and the nearby region.

Raptor survey was conducted on a parcel of land administered by ASLD near Florence Junction, Pinal County Arizona. The purpose of this study was to gather information on raptor use of the Far West site and to provide baseline survey information in order to analyze potential impacts of the proposed mine features in the future.

In February 2010, Montgomery published a report entitled "Interim Results of Groundwater Monitoring, Upper Queen Creek and Devils Canyon Watersheds" (M&A 2010) which reported all hydrochemical and isotopic data available through the second quarter of 2009. The current report presents hydrochemical and isotopic data collected since M&A 2010 was published.

This technical memorandum was prepared to summarize results of drilling and construction at hydrologic test wells PHRES-01, PHRES-02, PHRES-03, and PHRES-04. The wells were installed to provide observation wells during the long-term pumping test at well HRES-09, and to provide locations for characterization of fracture distribution and hydraulic conductivity in the Apache Leap Tuff (ALT) aquifer in the vicinity of hydrologic test well HRES-09.

This technical memorandum has been prepared to document results and analysis of a 23-day aquifer test conducted at hydrologic test well HRES-09. M&A conducted the long-term test to provide aquifer parameters for the Apache Leap Tuff (ALT) aquifer in the area of the well.

This technical memorandum has been prepared to summarize results of drilling and construction at hydrologic test well DHRES-14. DHRES-14 is located east of Devils Canyon, between the Devils Canyon Fault and JI Ranch Fault. The well was installed to characterize hydrogeologic conditions and provide a monitoring location in the Tertiary Whitetail Conglomerate and Precambrian Pinal Schist. Monitoring data obtained from DHRES-14 will be incorporated into the RCM hydrologic monitoring program.

This technical memorandum has been prepared to summarize results of drilling, construction, and testing at hydrologic test wells HRES-16, HRES-17, and HRES-18. The wells were installed to characterize hydrogeologic conditions in the Apache Leap Tuff (ALT) on the east side of Devils Canyon near the JI Ranch Fault. HRES- 16 is a larger diameter well (nominal 8-inch) that was completed to provide a location for longterm aquifer testing in the ALT aquifer.

This technical memorandum has been prepared to summarize the results of drilling, construction, and testing at hydrologic test wells HRES-14 and HRES-15. The wells were installed to characterize hydrogeologic conditions in the Apache Leap Tuff on the east side of Devils Canyon, near the Devils Canyon Fault. Monitoring data obtained from HRES-14 and HRES-15 have been incorporated into the RCM hydrologic monitoring program.

This technical memorandum was prepared to summarize results of drilling, construction, and testing at hydrologic test well HRES-13. The well was installed to characterize hydrogeologic conditions and provide a monitoring location in the western part of the Apache Leap Tuff (ALT) aquifer. Monitoring data obtained from HRES-13 have been incorporated into the RCM hydrologic monitoring program.

In 1995, the Magma Copper Company discovered a porphyry copper deposit beneath thick postmineral cover 2 km south of the historic Magma mine in Superior, Arizona. Since that time drilling has delineated a large, high-grade, hypogene copper-molybdenum deposit, now named the Resolution deposit, with an inferred resource of 1,624 million metric tons (Mt) at 1.47% Cu and 0.037% Mo.

This technical memorandum has been prepared to summarize results of drilling, construction, and testing at hydrologic test wells DHRES-12 and DHRES-13. Borehole DHRES-12 was drilled to characterize hydrogeologic conditions in the deep groundwater system in Cross Canyon, west of the Apache Leap escarpment, and to provide a monitoring location for the deep groundwater system during ongoing dewatering operations.

This technical memorandum was prepared to summarize results of drilling, construction, and testing at hydrologic test well DHRES-09. The well was installed to characterize hydrogeologic conditions in the deep groundwater system west of the Concentrator Fault and east of the Main Fault, and to provide a monitoring point for the deep groundwater system during on-going dewatering operations.

Western Yellow-billed Cuckoo surveys were conducted in portions of Devils Canyon and Mineral Creek in the months of June through August 2011.

Resolution Copper Mining LLC (RCML) intends to implement a meteorological and air quality monitoring program to support several efforts during the pre-feasibility and other mine development phases.

This report summarizes meteorological measurements collected at the Resolution Copper Mine monitoring system. The purpose of the monitoring program is to provide the measurements necessary to establish existing meteorological conditions at the proposed site of the Resolution Mine in support of a future air quality permit application.

An evaluation of two areas, the West Plant and East Plant Analysis Areas, totaling approximately 3670 acres, for the presence of potential waters of the U.S.

This list incorporates changes in taxonomy and nomenclature that have occurred since the last list was prepared. Additional species have been documented and added to the list.

This technical memorandum was prepared to summarize results of drilling, construction, equipping, and testing at hydrologic test wells DHRES-03, DHRES-04, and DHRES-05/DHRES-05B. The wells were installed to characterize hydrogeologic conditions in the Gila Conglomerate and Apache Leaf Tuff west of the Concentrator Fault in the vicinity of West Plant site and to provide monitoring locations for the aquifer west of the Concentrator Fault during dewatering operations in 2010 and 2011.

This technical memorandum was prepared to summarize results of drilling, construction, equipping, and testing at hydrologic test well DHRES-06. The well was installed to characterize hydrogeologic conditions in the deep groundwater system south of the South Boundary Fault and to provide a monitoring point for the deep groundwater system during dewatering of existing mine workings. Monitoring data obtained from DHRES-06 will be incorporated into the RCM hydrologic monitoring program.

This technical memorandum was prepared to summarize results of drilling, construction, equipping, and testing at hydrologic test wells HRES-10 and HRES-11. The wells were installed to characterize hydrogeologic conditions in the Apache Leap Tuff (Tal) in the southeast extent of the Tal outcrop area near Mineral Creek. Monitoring data obtained from HRES-10 and HRES-11 will be incorporated into the RCM hydrologic monitoring program.

This report summarizes meteorological measurements collected at the Resolution Copper Mine monitoring system. The purpose of the monitoring program is to provide the measurements necessary to establish existing meteorological conditions at the proposed site of the Resolution Mine in support of a future air quality permit application.

Identification of potentially jurisdictional waters within an approximately 45,000-acre analysis area, encompassing the Resolution operations and vicinity within Pinal and Gila Counties, Arizona.

Arizona hedgehog cactus surveys were conducted within the Resolution Pre-Feasibility Activities area in conformance with the monitoring required by the Resolution Copper Mining Pre-feasibility Activities Plan of Operations EA and the Forest Service's Biological Assessment and Evaluation.

This report summarizes meteorological measurements collected at the Resolution Copper Mine monitoring system. The purpose of the monitoring program is to provide the measurements necessary to establish existing meteorological conditions at the proposed site of the Resolution Mine in support of a future air quality permit application.

Bird surveys were conducted in the vicinity or RCM's holdings near Superior, Arizona. This report provides an inventory of the birds observed during 2009, various analyses of the data by habitat type, and where appropriate, comparisons to similar data collected in 2008.

This report summarizes meteorological measurements collected at the Resolution Copper Mine monitoring system. The purpose of the monitoring program is to provide the measurements necessary to establish existing meteorological conditions at the proposed site of the Resolution Mine in support of a future air quality permit application.

This report summarizes meteorological measurements collected at the Resolution Copper Mine monitoring system. The purpose of the monitoring program is to provide the measurements necessary to establish existing meteorological conditions at the proposed site of the Resolution Mine in support of a future air quality permit application.

This technical memorandum was prepared to document results and analysis of a 60-day pumping test conducted at hydrologic test well HRES-07.

This report summarizes meteorological measurements collected at the Resolution Copper Mine monitoring system.  The purpose of the monitoring program is to provide the measurements necessary to establish existing meteorological conditions at the proposed site of the Resolution Mine in support of a future air quality permit application for the facility.

Groundwater monitoring in the upper Queen Creek and Devils Canyon watersheds was initiated by RCM in early 2004.  The current RCM groundwater monitoring program includes 19 wells, boreholes or shafts.  Based on results of hydrogeological characterization studies conducted to date, three principal aquifers have been identified.  The purpose of the groundwater monitoring program is to provide hydrologic data for continued development and refinement of the conceptual hydrogeologic model for the

This technical memorandum was prepared to provide an interim summary of data collected at wells DHRES-01 and DHRES-02. Deep hydrogeologic test wells DHRES-01 and DHRES-02 were drilled and constructed during the period May 2 to September 10, 2008.

The Audubon IBA bird survey data collection coordinated by the Tucson Audubon-IBA Program, Avian Science Initiative, at 7B Ranch provided key "mesquite bosque avian habitat" data for these reviews.

This report summarizes meteorological measurements collected at the Resolution Copper Mine monitoring system.  The purpose of the monitoring program is to provide the measurements necessary to establish existing meteorological conditions at the proposed site of the Resolution Mine in support of a future air quality permit application for the facility.

This report summarizes meteorological measurements collected at the Resolution Copper Mine monitoring system. The purpose of the monitoring program is to provide the measurements necessary to establish existing meteorological conditions at the proposed site of the Resolution Mine is support of a future air quality permit application for the facility.

The purpose of this report is to 1) compile Arizona hedgehog cactus survey data collected during preparation of the Pre-feasibility Activities Plan of Operations; and 2) compile previously completed survey data from the vicinity of the PAA that may inform the analysis of the effects of the Pre-feasibility Activities to AHC.

This document presents the monitoring and quality assurance project plan for a meteorological monitoring program to be implemented for Resolution Copper Company for a copper mine in Pinal County Arizona. The objectives of the monitoring program are to provide the measurements necessary to establish meteorological conditions that affect the transport and dispersion of emissions from potential sources at the future Resolution facility.

Three motion-sensitive cameras besides springs within a study area along Devils Canyon. Cameras captured numerous identifiable images of animals representing both mammals and bird species.

Bird surveys were conducted in the vicinity of RCM's holdings, near Superior, Arizona. This report provides an inventory of the birds observed as well as a discussion of results from the data collection efforts.

Fish surveys were conducted in order to determine the presence of absence of the Gila chub, as well as other native fishes within portions of Devils Canyon and upper Mineral Creek, and within two stock tanks in the vicinity of the Project. The Gila chub is listed by USFWS as endangered with critical habitat under the ESA.

The Research Ranch, near Elgin in Santa Cruz County, Arizona, is administered by the National Audubon Society. It consists of about 8000 acres of federal and private lands that are managed for ecosystem research projects by the National Audubon Society, which has cooperative agreements with the federal land management agencies.

This technical memorandum was prepared to summarize the results of a long-term aquifer test conducted at Resolution Project hydrologic characterization well HRES-4. Well HRES-4 is completed in the Apache Leap Tuff aquifer near Oak Flat, in the upper Queen Creek drainage basin of eastern Pinal County, Arizona.

Arizona hedgehog cactus survey was conducted along areas proposed for pre-feasibility activities.

List of mammals [confirmed by observation or sign; suspected, but not confirmed; resident, common; occasional].

The purpose of this tech memo is to describe and present the results of a ADEQ Tier 1 geochemical characterization program of development rock for proposed Shaft No. 10 based detailed sampling and analysis of samples from a pilot drill hole along the entire vertical section of the proposed shaft.

Resolution Copper Company commissioned Golder and Associates to establish a program for the collection of baseline surface water data near the future RCC mine and associated facilities.  The intended uses of the data are primarily to support and EIS, develop a sound conceptual site model as a basis for predicting future impacts, and document current conditions as a baseline for judging future impacts.

Reptile and amphibian survey was conducted on the approximately 1,224-hectare Federal Parcel.

A bat survey was conducted on the approximately 1,224-hectare Federal Parcel, in the Tonto National Forest. The purpose of this survey was to determine which bat species could be confirmed present on Parcel.

A raptor survey was conducted on the approximately 1,224-hectare Federal Parcel, in the Tonto National Forest. The purpose of this survey was to determine which raptor species could be confirmed on the Parcel.

Arizona hedgehog cactus survey was conducted on the approximately 1,224-hectare Federal Parcel. The parcel is on the Tonto National Forest east of the Town of Superior. Resolution proposes to obtain the Parcel by way of a land exchange.

This report summarizes the biological resources of one parcel of U.S. Forest Service land (the Federal Parcel) and five privately owned parcels (the Offered Lands). The work was conducted in anticipation of a possible land exchange.

This report compares the floodplain and wetlands inventories for five offered lands ("Non-Federal Parcels") to the "Federal Parcel". The Non-Federal Parcels are: JX Ranch, Appleton Ranch, LX Bar Ranch, 6L Ranch, 7B Ranch. The Federal Parcel is also known as the Resolution Parcel, and will be so referenced in this report.

Ecological Overview for approximately 60.4 hectares in Maricopa County, Arizona. This ecological evaluation was conducted to identify the type and relative condition of the biological resources found and evaluate ecological characteristics of the property to identify remarkable resources attributes, and to briefly assess their conservation values in reference to local and regional contexts.

An ecological overview for an approximately 357-hectare site in Santa Cruz County, Arizona.  This evaluation of the property was conducted to: Identify the types and relative condition of the biological resources found; Evaluate the ecological characteristics; Identify remarkable resource attributes and; Briefly assess the resource conservation values and opportunities in reference to local and regional contexts.

An ecological overview for approximately 59.5 hectares of land along Turkey and Rock Creeks within the Tonto National Forest in Gila County, Arizona (referred to as JX Ranch).

An ecological overview for approximately 59.9 hectares of land along Tangle Creek within the Tonto National Forest in Yavapai County, Arizona (referred to as LX Bar Ranch). This ecological evaluation was conducted to identify the type and relative condition of the biological resources found on and to evaluate ecological characteristics of the property to identify remarkable resource attributes, and to briefly assess their conservation values in reference to local and regional contexts.

Baseline Biology and Land Use Report describing a parcel of federal land in the Tonto National Forest. Resolution intends to obtain the Parcel by way of a land exchange with the U.S. Forest Service and to conduct studies to determine the feasibility of establishing an underground copper mine at the site.

An ecological overview for approximately 1,295 hectares of land along the Lower San Pedro River near the Town of Mammoth. This ecological evaluation was conducted to identify the types, relative condition, and ecological value of the biological resources found on the Property, and to briefly assess their conservation values in the context of the San Pedro River watershed and the larger region.

This inventory is an update of soil and range information and maps of the National Audubon Society Appleton-Whittell Research Ranch that is within the Soil Survey of Santa Cruz and Parts of Cochise and Pima Counties, Arizona.

Amend the Agreement to Initiate Land Exchange dated December 6, 2017 in the following manner.

On February 13, 2015, Resolution Copper submitted a formal request to the Forest Service indicating their desire to convey the specified non-federal land to the United States.

Maps of Southeast Arizona Land Exchange and Conservation Act of 2011 including Federal Parcel, Oak Flat, Apache Leap, Cave Creek, East Clear Creek, Tangle Creek, Turkey Creek, Lower San Pedro River, Dripping Springs, Appleton Ranch, Superior Airport, and Fairview Cemetery.

The Southeast Arizona Land Exchange and Conservation Act authorizes and directs the Secretary of Agriculture to enter into a land exchange with Resolution Copper Mining, LLC.

Notice is hereby given that the Forest Service, United States Department of Agriculture, and Bureau of Land Management, United States Department of Interior are evaluating the exchange of land with Resolution Copper Mining LLC, as directed by the Southeast Arizona Land Exchange and Conservation Act.

The following documents represent the title insurance commitments for the eight offered and parcels to be exchanged for the Oak Flat parcel. These documents were commissioned by Resolution Copper Mining, LLC and provided to the Tonto National Forest on April 25, 2015.

On February 13, 2015, Resolution Copper submitted this formal request to the Forest Service indicating their desire to convey the specified non-federal land to the United States.

On February 13, 2015, Resolution Copper submitted a formal request to the Forest Service indicating their desire to convey the specified non-federal land to the United States.

In November 2013, Resolution Copper Mining, LLC (RCM) submitted the proposed General Plan of Operations (GPO) to the Tonto National Forest, to develop and mine a copper-molybdenum deposit. Tonto National Forest deemed the GPO to be complete in December 2014 - see Letter of Completion.

Resolution Copper submitted the General Plan of Operations to the Forest Service in November 2013. After review and subsequent modifications, the Forest Supervisor issued a completeness review letter in December 2014. The Forest Supervisor determined that the Plan is complete in accordance with applicable law, regulation, and policy.

Media Point of Contact

Amanda Oliver

Apache Leap Special Management Area
Apache Leap SMA website