Increased nitrogen (N) or sulfur (S) deposition may result from emissions from new or modified facilities subject to New Source Review (NSR), activities subject to requirements under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), and other actions.
The Federal Land Managers’ Air Quality Related Values Work Group (FLAG) formed to develop a more consistent approach for the Federal Land Managers (FLMs) to evaluate air pollution effects on resources.
Fact sheets for 9 invasive plants and weeds including Bull Thistle, Canada Thistle, Japanese Knotwood, Musk Thistle, Russian Olive, Siberian Elm, Spotted Knapweed, Tree-of-Heaven, Tropical Soda Apple, and Yellow Starthistle.
The nature and purposes of a national scenic trail defines the ideal trail setting and the context for what types of uses and activities are appropriate for the trail and its corridor. The nature and purposes are critical to the proper protection and management of national scenic trails and can be derived, in part, from Sec. 3(2) of the National Trails System Act.
The Arizona National Scenic Trail (Arizona Trail) stretches over 800 miles from the U.S. border with Mexico to Utah, connecting deserts, mountains, canyons, wilderness, history, communities and people.