Kate Duke

There is no evidence to suggest that there is any mechanism in the Resolution process circuit likely to result in technologically enhanced naturally occurring radioactive material (TENORM) in tailings, concentrate, or process water.

Data presented in this technical memorandum indicate that asbestos abundance in Resolution ore and development rock falls well below this criterion. Based on analysis of asbestos occurrence in Resolution ore it is likely that asbestos abundances in the tailings will also be low.

This technical memorandum was prepared to summarize modifications made to wells HRES-02, HRES-05, and HRES-10 in 2011.

This technical memorandum was prepared to summarize results of drilling and construction at hydrologic test wells PHRES-01, PHRES-02, PHRES-03, and PHRES-04. The wells were installed to provide observation wells during the long-term pumping test at well HRES-09, and to provide locations for characterization of fracture distribution and hydraulic conductivity in the Apache Leap Tuff (ALT) aquifer in the vicinity of hydrologic test well HRES-09.

This technical memorandum has been prepared to document results and analysis of a 23-day aquifer test conducted at hydrologic test well HRES-09. M&A conducted the long-term test to provide aquifer parameters for the Apache Leap Tuff (ALT) aquifer in the area of the well.

This technical memorandum has been prepared to summarize results of drilling, construction, and testing at hydrologic test wells HRES-16, HRES-17, and HRES-18. The wells were installed to characterize hydrogeologic conditions in the Apache Leap Tuff (ALT) on the east side of Devils Canyon near the JI Ranch Fault. HRES- 16 is a larger diameter well (nominal 8-inch) that was completed to provide a location for longterm aquifer testing in the ALT aquifer. Monitoring data obtained from HRES-16, HRES-17, and HRES-18 have been incorporated into the RCM hydrologic monitoring program.

This technical memorandum was prepared to summarize results of drilling, construction, and testing at hydrologic test well HRES-13. The well was installed to characterize hydrogeologic conditions and provide a monitoring location in the western part of the Apache Leap Tuff (ALT) aquifer. Monitoring data obtained from HRES-13 have been incorporated into the RCM hydrologic monitoring program.

This technical memorandum has been prepared to summarize the results of drilling, construction, and testing at hydrologic test wells HRES-14 and HRES-15. The wells were installed to characterize hydrogeologic conditions in the Apache Leap Tuff on the east side of Devils Canyon, near the Devils Canyon Fault. Monitoring data obtained from HRES-14 and HRES-15 have been incorporated into the RCM hydrologic monitoring program.

This technical memorandum has been prepared to summarize results of drilling, construction, and testing at hydrologic test wells DHRES-12 and DHRES-13. Borehole DHRES-12 was drilled to characterize hydrogeologic conditions in the deep groundwater system in Cross Canyon, west of the Apache Leap escarpment, and to provide a monitoring location for the deep groundwater system during ongoing dewatering operations. DHRES-12 was abandoned prior to completion due to lost circulation and borehole instability. Well DHRES-13 was drilled at the same site to replace abandoned borehole DHRES-12.

This technical memorandum was prepared to summarize results of drilling, construction, and testing at hydrologic test well DHRES-09. The well was installed to characterize hydrogeologic conditions in the deep groundwater system west of the Concentrator Fault and east of the Main Fault, and to provide a monitoring point for the deep groundwater system during on-going dewatering operations. Monitoring data obtained from DHRES-09 have been incorporated into the RCM hydrologic monitoring program.


Media Point of Contact

Amanda Oliver

Apache Leap Special Management Area
Apache Leap SMA website