Janis Fleming

Summary of reconnaissance investigations at the Skunk Camp site, an alternative site for a future tailings storage facility (TSF).

Summary of reconnaissance investigations at the Peg Leg site, an alternative site for a future tailings storage facility (TSF).

This technical memorandum was prepared to summarize modifications made to wells HRES-02, HRES-05, and HRES-10 in 2011.

This draft technical memorandum has been prepared to summarize results of drilling, construction, and development of groundwater production well RESPW-01. The well was installed to intersect mine workings on the 4400 Mine Level adjacent to Shaft No. 8 of the Magma Mine in order to dewater that level and overlying levels.

This technical memorandum was prepared to summarize results of drilling and construction at hydrologic test wells PHRES-01, PHRES-02, PHRES-03, and PHRES-04. The wells were installed to provide observation wells during the long-term pumping test at well HRES-09, and to provide locations for characterization of fracture distribution and hydraulic conductivity in the Apache Leap Tuff (ALT) aquifer in the vicinity of hydrologic test well HRES-09.

This technical memorandum has been prepared to summarize results of drilling and construction at hydrologic test well DHRES-14. DHRES-14 is located east of Devils Canyon, between the Devils Canyon Fault and JI Ranch Fault. The well was installed to characterize hydrogeologic conditions and provide a monitoring location in the Tertiary Whitetail Conglomerate and Precambrian Pinal Schist. Monitoring data obtained from DHRES-14 will be incorporated into the RCM hydrologic monitoring program.

This technical memorandum has been prepared to summarize results of drilling, construction, and testing at hydrologic test wells HRES-16, HRES-17, and HRES-18. The wells were installed to characterize hydrogeologic conditions in the Apache Leap Tuff (ALT) on the east side of Devils Canyon near the JI Ranch Fault. HRES- 16 is a larger diameter well (nominal 8-inch) that was completed to provide a location for longterm aquifer testing in the ALT aquifer. Monitoring data obtained from HRES-16, HRES-17, and HRES-18 have been incorporated into the RCM hydrologic monitoring program.

This technical memorandum was prepared to summarize results of drilling, construction, and testing at hydrologic test well HRES-13. The well was installed to characterize hydrogeologic conditions and provide a monitoring location in the western part of the Apache Leap Tuff (ALT) aquifer. Monitoring data obtained from HRES-13 have been incorporated into the RCM hydrologic monitoring program.

This technical memorandum has been prepared to summarize the results of drilling, construction, and testing at hydrologic test wells HRES-14 and HRES-15. The wells were installed to characterize hydrogeologic conditions in the Apache Leap Tuff on the east side of Devils Canyon, near the Devils Canyon Fault. Monitoring data obtained from HRES-14 and HRES-15 have been incorporated into the RCM hydrologic monitoring program.

This technical memorandum has been prepared to summarize results of drilling, construction, and testing at hydrologic test wells DHRES-12 and DHRES-13. Borehole DHRES-12 was drilled to characterize hydrogeologic conditions in the deep groundwater system in Cross Canyon, west of the Apache Leap escarpment, and to provide a monitoring location for the deep groundwater system during ongoing dewatering operations. DHRES-12 was abandoned prior to completion due to lost circulation and borehole instability. Well DHRES-13 was drilled at the same site to replace abandoned borehole DHRES-12.


Media Point of Contact

Amanda Oliver

Apache Leap Special Management Area
Apache Leap SMA website