Donna Morey

The purpose of this process memorandum is to document the process used by the NEPA interdisciplinary team to identify and consider reasonably foreseeable future actions for inclusion in the cumulative effects analysis of the Resolution Copper Project final EIS.

Meeting minutes for Resolution Water Working Group June 25, 2020

Meeting minutes for Resolution Water Working Group April 23, 2020

Meeting minutes for Resolution Mitigation Discussion June 17, 2020

Meeting minutes for Resolution All Things Water Working Group January 23, 2020

Meeting minutes for Resolution Groundwater Working Group September 12, 2018

Meeting minutes for Resolution Geology / Subsidence Working Group March 16, 2018

Meeting minutes for Resolution Water Working Group July 30, 2020

The purpose of this process memorandum is to document the process used by the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) interdisciplinary (ID) team to identify and consider reasonably foreseeable future actions (RFFAs) for inclusion in the cumulative effects analysis of the Resolution Copper Project draft environmental impact statement (DEIS).

The purpose of this process memorandum is to provide a summary of key personnel who are involved in one or more aspects of Resolution Copper Project and Land Exchange Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) completion.


Media Point of Contact

Amanda Oliver

Apache Leap Special Management Area
Apache Leap SMA website