David E. Brown

This study documents fire and early postfire succession in creosote bush scrub in several bums near Palm Springs, and it evaluates the stability and biogeography of this ecosystem in relation to recurrent fire.

An ecologically based classification system, when accompanied by digitized biotic community maps, has been shown to be useful for plotting and assessing plant and animal affinities in the American Southwest and northwestern Mexico.


This special issue deals with the country between 27° and 37°30' N Latitude and 103° and 118° W Longitude.

The data are created to serve as base information for use in GIS systems for a variety of planning and analysis purposes.

This dataset was created to serve as base information for use in GIS systems for a variety of planning and analysis purposes.


This material is protected under copyright law and will not be posted to this website.

Media Point of Contact

Amanda Oliver

Apache Leap Special Management Area
Apache Leap SMA website