Draft EIS

The Executive Summary provides an overview of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for the proposed Resolution Copper Project and Land Exchange.

The Draft EIS describes the process undertaken by the USDA Forest Service, to evaluate the issues related to and predicted effects of the submittal by Resolution Copper's mining GPO, and legislatively-mandated land exchange.

Neil Bosworth, the Forest Supervisor for the Tonto National Forest, outlines his agency’s responsibilities and encourages the public to review the Draft EIS and provide substantive comments with supporting reasons in his Dear Reader letter.

Throughout the 90-day public comment period, the Forest Service offered multiple ways – including website submissions, written comments and public hearings – for interested parties to comment on the analysis and findings in the Draft Environmental Impact Statement.

This 15-minute presentation outlines the content and findings in the Draft EIS that was shared with attendees at each public meeting in September and October 2019. This includes a brief message from the deciding official. https://youtu.be/dCTWlcVCr1E


Throughout the 90-day public comment period, the Forest Service offered multiple ways – including website submissions, written comments and public hearings – for interested parties to comment on the analysis and findings in the Draft EIS. The Forest Service hosted six public hearings in towns and cities including Superior, San Tan Valley, Kearny, Globe, Queen Valley, and Tempe. Two court reporters recorded oral comments from attendees. These are the public comments from each public hearing.

Collection of 20 posters and maps presented at the Draft EIS Public Hearings held in September and October 2019.

This newsletter provides an overview of how the document is organized, content, how to get a copy, and how to provide substantive comments.

Federal Register Notice of Availability

EIS No. 20190189, Draft, USFS, AZ, Resolution Copper Project and Land Exchange, Comment Period Ends: 11/07/2019

This map package provides a more detailed view (1:24,000 scale) of the pipeline corridor, power line corridor, and access roads to these corridors for the Forest Service’s preferred alternative.


Media Point of Contact

Amanda Oliver

Apache Leap Special Management Area
Apache Leap SMA website